
Tickets are currently on sale for Houghton 2025. 

You will be able to purchase general release & group tickets when they go back on sale on. We recommend signing up, via our home page, to get priority access when tickets go back on sale. Remaining tickets in this ticket window will be available to those who haven't signed up from 11am.

Parking and live in vehicle tickets are still available via this page, as well as finding key information on tickets. For 2025 you can use PayPal 3 part instalment across any ticket type you want if a UK customer, more information below on this. Our boutique camping offering will be on sale in the coming months.


General release tickets

You will be able to purchase general release & group tickets when they go back on sale on 7th February.

Sign up for priority access via our home page. 

Instalment tickets

You can now pay for any ticket type for Houghton 2025 over 3 payments via PayPal 'Pay in 3'. This is for UK only, anyone looking for instalment tickets from outside the UK please email

This scheme offers a simple & flexible payment option, easily splitting the cost of a ticket into three interest-free payments. These payments are processed through direct debit with no further action required after purchase.

To use this option, simply select 'PayPal Pay Later' on the RA checkout page and follow the steps via PayPal – you can secure your ticket within a few clicks.

Group Tickets

You will be able to purchase general release & group tickets when they go back on sale on 7th February.

Sign up for priority access via our home page. 

NHS Tickets

Houghton are working with Concert For Carers in 2025 to offer discounted tickets to those working in the NHS. If you work for the NHS please head to CFC for more info.

Day Tickets

We don't offer day tickets to Houghton.

Ticketing FAQs

  • What Is Included?
    • Access to the festival from 7th – 10th August 2025
    • Camping in the general campsite
    • Access to showering facilities
    • A guided art tour (bookable at no cost on a first come first served basis at the festival)
    • Wellbeing classes and workshops at The Orchard (bookable at no cost on a first come first served basis at the festival)
  • What Is Not Included?
    • Coach transfers to and from Kings Lynn or Ely station
    • Boutique camping or any camping upgrades
    • Massages and saunas within The Orchard area
    • Car parking (car parking passes are mandatory and are chargeable at £15 per car, passes are available to purchase in advance via Resident Advisor)
    • Access for live-in vehicles (live-in vehicle passes are available to purchase in advance via Resident Advisor, passes are only valid when presented with a festival ticket per person travelling the vehicle, passes do not include access to waste, water or power hook ups)
  • Ticket Enquires

    All ticket queries are handled by Resident Advisor – please get in touch with Resident Advisor here.

  • Age Restrictions

    Houghton is a strictly aged 18+ event. There will be strictly no entry to those who are under the age of 18. Unfortunately we will not be able to offer refunds to those refused entry on the day.

  • Secondary Ticketing

    This is an important reminder about our ticket policy.

    In a stand against the secondary ticket market and ticket touting, as well as major entry issues due to the risk of duplicate or unofficial tickets, Houghton Festival does not support tickets from 3rd party reseller platforms including ViaGoGo, SeatWave and Ticket Swap.

    All ticket holders will require the original buyer or the original buyer’s ID (a photocopy of a driving licence or passport) to be present at the gate at the time of entry. The validity of tickets purchased from unapproved 3rd party sites cannot be guaranteed, and the purchase is entirely at your own risk.

    We use the activated tickets function which means tickets are not issued until 24 hours prior to the event. If you have been sold a ticket from a seller or secondary resale site for Houghton 2025 then it is most likely fake.

  • Ticket Re-sale

    We work exclusively with our official ticket partner Resident Advisor to provide a fair and authorised method of reselling tickets. This system allows a ticket purchase for the face value of the original sale. Should you wish to re-sell your tickets please get in touch with Resident Advisor here.